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Newsletter#19: Gradescope: Streamline Your Grading Process with Ease

截屏2025-01-09 13.44.42

Gradescope: Streamline Your Grading Process with Ease

On December 8, 2024, the Center for Teaching and Learning was delighted to join the Department of Mathematics for their faculty meeting. We sincerely thank Dr. Aihua Zhang for the warm invitation and the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations about enhancing teaching and learning practices.
1-1Math department meeting

3-14-1Mathematics professors (on the left), Dr. Jue Yu (on the right)

We were pleased to have Dr. Jue Yu, Associate Director of the Office of Accreditation and Assessment, introduce Simple Syllabus. This centralized, template-driven syllabus management system allows instructors to easily customize digital syllabi by automatically integrating university standard policies. The Office of Accreditation and Assessment ( at WKU manages the system and works closely with instructors, department directors, and deans to enhance teaching efficiency and faculty satisfaction. 

55  6-1From left to right: Dr. Fu, Sandy Jiang, Dr. Zhang (on the left), Dr. Fu& Dr. Zhang (on the right)

During the meeting, our center introduced the support services, events, and ongoing programs we offer. All this information is also available on our official website ( The discussions sparked exciting ideas for new workshops we can organize with faculty members. If you’re interested in hosting a workshop or inviting us to your department meeting, we would be thrilled to connect and collaborate with you! You can scan the QR code or click here.

7 Additionally, we addressed Canvas-related questions and gathered valuable feedback. For example, while Gradescope is an excellent grading integration within Canvas, many faculty members are not yet fully familiar with its features. In this newsletter, we are pleased to introduce Gradescope, an AI-assisted grading tool available on Canvas.

What is Gradescope?


Gradescope helps instructors seamlessly administer and grade all assessments, whether online or in class. Save time grading and get a clear picture of how students are doing. Canvas supports Gradescope integration, which you can find and use in the Course sublist. 


截屏2025-01-09 10.53.54Introduction Video for Gradescope

How to use Gradescope in Canvas?

Step 1. Log in to your Canvas account and find Gradescope in Courses and click the "Create Assignment" button.
Note 1. Once you successfully log in to Gradescope through Canvas, your account will also be automatically logged in on the Gradescope website. You can choose to operate within Canvas or on Gradescope.
Image 1
Note 2. (See Image 2) Make sure you have a Course Roster List. If not, click the "Sync Kean Canvas Roster" to link to an existing course in Canvas or click "Add Members" to import a CVS document manually.
Image 2
Step 2. Select Assignment types.
Note. We will use Create Exam/Quiz as an example to provide step-by-step instructions. You can find video tutorials below for creating other types of assignments.

Image 3

Step 3. Please select the following selections as needed.

12Image 4

Step 4. (See Image 5) For the template, upload a blank copy of your assignment. It should be a PDF file containing student names, student IDs, and questions. The example is as follows.
13Image 5
Step 5. (See Image 4) You can choose whether the teacher uploads the file or the students upload it themselves. Please note that there is no time limit for the teacher to upload the file.
Note. For instructor-uploaded assignments, students will never see the template file or any other part of the assignment until grading is complete and grades are published. If you’ve allowed students to upload their own work and enabled Template Visibility Assignment Settings, students will be able to view and download this blank template from Gradescope. There is a [For Students: Submit Homework on the Gradescope Website] video tutorial below if you need students to upload their assignments.
Step 6. (See Image 6) Click Create Assignments button to continue. In the outline creation page, the uploaded template displays on the left and the outline on the right. Next, build the outline.
a & b. Select Create Name Region and Create ID Region and then resize these areas to make sure the region box covers the area on the page where students will write in their full names or IDs.
c & d. To create a question, select + new question. Next, title questions and add point values.
Note. When instructors grade the assignment, the Gradescope system will automatically zoom to the region designated. So, it’s generally helpful to create regions that are slightly larger than the actual area instructors expect students to use.

Image 6

Step 7. (See image 7) To create a subquestion, click "+New Question" and drag it under another question. To convert a subquestion into a main question, drag it outward. Click Save Outline to continue.
Note. To delete a question, subquestion, or group of subquestions, click the red "x" delete icon next to the item.

Image 7

Step 8. Next, on the rubric creation page, click "Add Rubric Item" to add different grading criteria. Click "Manage Scan" to continue.

16Image 8

Step 9. Click " Select PDF files" button to upload the scans, or you can drag and drop them onto this page. Click "Manage Submissions" to continue.

Image 9

Note 1. (See Image 10) Gradescope will automatically process the scans and attempt to split them into "Manage Submissions" sections.

Image 10

(See Image 11) If Gradescope is unsure about the split (e.g., "batch2.pdf"), click "Show" to review the submissions. Then, select "Split" or "Merge" to combine them with the previous submissions as needed.

Image 11

Note 2. For more information on scanning best practices, see [Scan exams] video Tutorials below.
Step 10. After clicking the "Manage Submissions" button, you can double-check the accuracy of all the information on the Manage Submissions page.


Note. (See Image 13) If there is an unassigned student, click the button and "Enter student name." Type the student's name or ID, and Gradescope will search for matches on the roster.


Congratulations on successfully creating the assignment!
(See Image 14) If you want to review the score data after completing grading, Gradescope also provides a detailed analysis of the data for each question.



Video Tutorials

For additional tutorials, please use the video links below and ensure you are connected to a VPN to view them.

截屏2025-01-09 12.22.26          截屏2025-01-09 12.24.02Creating a Homework Assignment                                           Creating a Bubble Sheet Assignment            *Applicable to all majors                                                              *Applicable to all majors


截屏2025-01-09 12.30.55          截屏2025-01-09 12.32.16Gradescope for Programming Assignments                             Creating a Groups Assignments                  *Applicable to computer science major                                        *Applicable to all majors 

截屏2025-01-09 12.34.04                  截屏2025-01-09 12.35.34Creating an Exam                                                                       Scan exams                                                      *Applicable to all majors                                                              *Applicable to paper-based examination papers (you                                                                                                             may scan multiple exams in a single batch, depending                                                                                                         on your scanner’s capacity)

截屏2025-01-09 12.38.50          截屏2025-01-09 12.39.46Upload scans and associate them with students                       Grading a Simple Handwriting Questions              *Applicable to paper-based examination papers                            *Applicable to all majors 

截屏2025-01-09 13.40.43                                                                                For Students: Submit Homework on the Gradescope Website                                                      

If you encounter any issues, you can access troubleshooting support articles and frequently asked questions in the Gradescope Help Center. We also offer one-on-one consultation services. To schedule an appointment, please click here.
More tools:
Please note: If you would prefer not to have your photo shared publicly, kindly contact CTL, and we will ensure it is handled appropriately.
1. Save time grading. Gradescope. (n.d.).
2. Creating a Homework Assignment [Video].  YouTube.
3. Creating a Bubble Sheet Assignment [Video]. YouTube.
9.Grading a Simple Question [Video]. YouTube.
10. For Students: Submit Homework on the Gradescope Website [Video]. YouTube.
To read our previous newsletters, please visit our official website:
Author: Duo (Dolories) Liu
Chief Editor: Yirui (Sandy) Jiang